Thoroughly research, prototype and test to understand the needs of relocatees, their employers and service providers and clearly define the opportunity space in the market.
Launch the first iteration, iMOVE, to drive engagement and learn how employees want to plan and track their move, submit expenses, manage personal information and connect with vendors online.
Design and staff a dynamic launch experience to introduce the new platform to industry audiences, engage client prospects and drive adoption with in-event signups.
Enhance the features for employees and expand the offering to serve HR mobility managers — creating a comprehensive digital and mobile platform with anytime human support — relaunching the iMOVE experience as SIRVA Connect+
Train the human concierge members behind the app to deliver first-class service to employees through technical training and documentation.
Connect+ makes life infinitely easier for both employees and HR. It’s a complete game-changer.
Vice President of Product Management